Contributions & Charges

Financial support provided by parents has always played an enabling role in the provision of resources that extend the school’s capacity to add value to students’ learning experience.  For example, parent contributions allow schools to provide class sets of text books instead of students having to provide their own.  To that end the contribution parents make allows the school to provide the best quality educational resources which in turn directly impacts the educational outcomes of the students.

Each year the School Board endorses the schedule of Contributions and Charges in line with the Department’s policy on collection of money in public education.  Details of the schedule of Contributions and Charges are available at the front office or on our website.  

The school accepts the following methods of payment for contributions and charges:

  • Cash/cheque – brought to the front office in a sealed envelope, clearly labelled.  Please note, the office does not carry change
  • EFTPOS facilities are available
  • Via Personal Items Lists – Campion
  • Direct debit through internet banking

Bank:  ANZ Booragoon
BSB:   016267
ACC:   340869431
REF:    Student surname, initial and room number

Money MUST NOT be handed to the class teacher.  Money for P&C, such as, fundraising or sport shirts cannot be paid through the school bank account.

Charges for extra cost optional components

Charges apply to extra, optional components of education programs provided in Kindergarten to Year 6.  Extra cost options are specific activities, services or facilities that schools offer students to use or take part in.  As Parents choose for their child to participate in these activities, the associated charge must be paid.  Students who do not participate will be provided with an appropriate educational activity.  Please DO NOT pay for student photos along with contributions into the school bank accounts.  These are payable directly to the photographer on the day of the photos or via their website.

A breakdown of estimated charges for your child’s participation in excursions, incursions, activities will be provided 2 months prior to the beginning of the next year, as instructed in the Education Act.  If you enrol during the year this form will be supplied to you then.  The amounts shown represent the maximum charged for scheduled activities.

The school offers the opportunity to pre-pay items indicated as “Charges” on the Voluntary Contributions and Charges Schedule.  Please do not pay the items marked as “Other Optional Costs/Services” up front and to the school as these are payable on request to an outside entity upon request.

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