P&C Association

Our Mission Statement

To assist our school families to connect and engage in the whole school experience and help improve school resources and facilities.

Our Key Objectives

1. Community Connection

2. Fundraising

3. Allocation of Funds (Funding Initiatives)

Our P&C provides the opportunity to come together to help support the needs and aspirations of our students and the school community, share information and views, and raise funds to provide extra resources. Volunteering and helping our students by being involved in our school P&C also improves our mental health and models this for our children.

We would like to welcome any parent or guardian who is interested in being involved in the school to come along and attend P&C meetings to share your thoughts and ideas, plus meet other parents. We are always looking to discover the talents and skills that are hidden within our school community, and hope that you can share those for the benefit of our school!

2024 Meetings

Wednesdays (Week 4 & Week 8)


Staff Room (access via quadrangle)

If you would like to join our P&C, you can complete a membership application here: https://forms.gle/hcsRZxR3Twg71qFr7

What do we do?


You can order online via: https://quickcliq.com.au/

Our canteen is ready to deliver lunches 5 days per week and to do this requires support from the community. Work with a fantastic team of staff and volunteers dedicated to creating a positive environment and healthy options. It’s super easy and fun, the team will show you exactly what to do – and your child (or grandchild) will LOVE coming to see you and say hi!

Choose shifts that fit your schedule, whether it’s a weekly or monthly commitment, or just whenever you can. You can see the shifts available and book a time that works for you here: http://volunteersignup.org/REDWM

Faction Shirts

You can also order your faction shirts online via: https://quickcliq.com.au/

Once you have placed your order, our incredible Uniform Representative, Donna, will deliver these directly to your child’s classroom within the next week.

Scholastic Book Club

We also run the scholastic book club and an annual Book Fair. The proceeds from these go to the purchase of new and replacement books at our library for the students to enjoy and borrow! Keep an eye out for the book club magazines in your child’s school bag!

Street Library

Make sure you check out our street library on the corner of Gunbower & Henley Street. Feel free to borrow books and place your own in there to share with others in the area. We encourage books to be recycled and shared. This provides all members of our community access to literature and the joys of reading. 

Class Representatives

Each year a volunteer parent from each class collates and maintains a class email list and communicates information from the P&C, teacher or other parents to the parents of the class. 

We encourage all parents to share their email contact details to be included.

The class rep helps to welcome new families to the class group throughout the year and encourages parents to organise social events for both kids and parents.

They help with ensuring the canteen roster is supported by the class group.

If you have interest in any of the above, or would just like to keep up to date with what is happening at the school, we would love to see you at a meeting.


Our P&C has a strong history of amazing fundraising events throughout the year. Over the last 2 years we have been able to achieve:

  • 2 new refrigerated drinking fountains
  • Large ceiling fan for the undercover area
  • New playground on the oval
  • Literacy resources for the classroom
  • Sports t-shirts for interschool
  • Ukuleles for our music room
  • Plus much more!!!

To be able to run fundraising events, we rely on everyone’s support. Volunteers boost our power, lighten the load and exponentially increase our impact. Together we can make a real difference for our students and the wider community. Please keep an eye out for upcoming events that you may be able to support us with. 

Community Events

Our P&C actively creates opportunities for our community to come together and support each other. When we feel we belong in a community, our wellbeing and happiness thrive. 2024 will see us hosting many events including:

  • Our annual Dad’s Camp Out
  • School Disco
  • Lapathon
  • Quiz Night
  • End of Year celebrations

Want to know more?

View our 2024 P&C Welcome Book



Look out for our Connect Notices, Class Rep notifications or attend one of our meetings.

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