Our School motto: “Working Together” is indicative of the focus at Mount Pleasant Primary School where students will experience a happy and rewarding learning environment. At Mount Pleasant Primary School, we strive to provide the tools for lifelong learning and long term happiness to support and empower them to become social aware and resilient critical thinkers.
We value:
- Respect
- Diversity
- Responsibility
- Gratitude
- Kindness
- Resilience
Our school is staffed by experienced people who are dedicated in their approach to education. They actively seek to work collaboratively as part of a team towards achieving improved outcomes for all students.
The staff, parent community and I wish you and your family a happy, rewarding and memorable experience at our school.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Should you wish to have a tour of our school please phone our office on 9237 2850, or email MountPleasant.PS@education.wa.edu.au to make an appointment.